Kategori: History

  • The Origin of Ancient Humans in Indonesia

    The origin of ancient humans in Indonesia can be traced back to a period known as the Pleistocene epoch, which began around 2.6 million years ago and lasted until about 11,700 years ago. Fossil discoveries have provided valuable insights into the early human history of Indonesia. One of the most significant findings is the Homo…

  • The History of Barikan

    The history of Barikan is infrequently documented, but there are some available sources that provide insights into its past. Barikan is believed to be an ancient city located in an undisclosed region, with its exact location being a matter of speculation. According to local folklore, Barikan was founded centuries ago by a group of nomadic…

  • The Legend of Putri Cempaka

    “Legenda Putri Cempaka” is a story from Indonesia. It is about a beautiful princess named Putri Cempaka who lived in a kingdom with her parents, the king and queen. One day, the kingdom was hit by a severe drought that affected the crops and caused famine. The people of the kingdom suffered, and the king…

  • Calon Arang Site in Kediri, East Java

    It is a fictional story of a great wizard battling hermits and an ancient lost city in Indonesia. Historical evidence is weak. Story of Calon Arang and ancient lost city in Indonesia. Calon Arang was a widow who attacked the land of Airlangga with supernatural powers. The Calon Arang Site and Tondowongso Site in Kediri…

  • A Secret of the Universe in Sambisari Temple in Indonesia

    Sambisari Temple in Indonesia holds a secret of the universe. It was restored after a farmer found temple stones in 1966. The Sambisari Temple reveals the secret of the creation of the universe and has a unique temple complex. Sambisari Temple is located in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The temple was built around the time of the…